The water we receive from these water filters is much cheaper

As we all know that human beings are more than 70% water. It is the basic necessity of human beings. Pure water has played an important role in the growth of electric air blower civilization across the world. In Greece, polluting water was considered as a crime. Water still continues to play an important role in our lives as it has the life giving abilities. But we all human beings have taken all the natural things for granted. Take the example of water; we are continuously polluting it by discharging industrial wastes into rivers, lakes and ponds. The consequences are alarming. Thousands of people are losing their precious lives because of water-borne diseases and millions are wasting their money on getting treatment from water-related diseases. We should always remember that water is the second most important thing on earth.

It is the fountain of youth, health and everything else that is good.In fact our body is mainly water. Our blood is 83% water, muscles are 75% water, brain is 74% water and bone is 22% water. This figure shows the importance of water. Water is necessary for our body to absorb vitamins and nutrients. It also detoxifies the liver and kidneys by flushing out the wastes from the body. Another important contribution of pure water is that it helps in digestion. Without adequate water, digestion will not take place properly. The importance of pure water can also be known from the fact that water helps us from getting dehydrated. Whenever, we fail to take sufficient water, our brain becomes less active, and concentrating on things becomes difficult. The end result can be dangerous as we may pop out.In the contemporary era, we are facing acute shortage of pure water. Most of the available water on earth is contaminated in some way or the other.

Here are some of the reasons why water is essential for weight loss:-Regularintake of water signals your body that there is no "drought."Therefore, it won't retain or store water that causes bloating.-Water helps suppress your appetite. It fills your stomach, causing you to feel full quicker with less food.-Watermakes your exercises more effective by improving muscle strength andcontrol. (You do realize that you need physical activity for healthyweight loss, don't you?) This happens because the electrolytes yourmuscles need to function properly require sufficient amounts of water.Inaddition, water is important for the lubrication of your joints. Ifyour joints and your muscles are dehydrated, you place extra stress onthem and they will not function effectively.And one otherimportant thing that so many people overlook when trying to loseweight: it is vital to drink only clean and pure water.Waterthat is full of chemicals and contaminants will actually prevent youfrom losing weight. This is because your liver will spend time tryingto filter out these toxins, time it should instead be spending burningor converting your stored fat into energy.